"Berried" Treasure

Searching for strawberries in the spring is a garden adventure I love to share with my daughter Kyra. From her wheelchair seat high above the ground, she examines the berry patch, kicking her feet at every bright spot she sees. Sometimes it’s a ripe strawberry. Sometimes a bug. Sometimes a dead leaf. It’s a new adventure every day. Kyra’s job during berry-hunting is holding the produce bowl while I pick. Now, this is no small feat, with her arms in constant motion, her fingers reaching for the warm, bright berries I toss into the bowl, and a cat constantly repositioning himself on her lap. It’s great fun to hunt for these tasty treasures. But, after discovering the nutritional benefits of the strawberry, you might enjoy your hunt even more. According to webmd.com, strawberries are “… among the top 20 fruits in antioxidant capacity and are a good source of manganese and potassium. Just one serving -- about eight strawberri...