Brushing Away Winter

One by one, the herbs that Kyra and I were trying to over-winter in the house grew spindly, then started to dry up, no matter how diligently we cared for them. At first, I was sad that we had failed. Then I saw the opportunities that failing opened up to us. Before returning the dormant (I hope) herbs to the back deck, I snipped off stems, 5 – 7 inches long, and tossed them onto a cookie sheet. Kyra and I bundled the stems into groups of 4 or 5, and tied the bundles with thread. Depending upon which stems Kyra grabbed from the cookie sheet, a bundle may have only one kind of herb, or it may have any combination of oregano, thyme, rosemary, and mint. Finally, I tied a loop in the end of the threads, and hung the bundles upside down to dry. We hadn’t failed after all! A week or so later, we had several varieties of “herb brooms” that were ready to give as gifts, decorate our kitchen, and use in winter stews. It wasn’t what ...