A Dozen Shots in the Arm

Shopping therapy Kyra has endured Botox injections every 3-4 months for the past 5 years, for the purpose of temporarily relieving the spasticity and dystonia that make simple movements so hard for her. While intentional movement is always extremely challenging, even passive movement of her arms and legs is difficult, and sometimes painful without Botox. For Kyra, each visit to the Botox clinic involves somewhere between 12 and 20 injections in her shoulders, biceps, forearms, and hamstrings. Today, she had 14 shots. Kyra rarely makes any objection to the injections, although today was a bit more difficult than it has been in the past. Then again, Kyra hardly makes any objection to any medical procedure that’s required of her, as long as the procedure is clearly explained to her step-by-step, and she’s allowed to watch the doctors, nurses, and techs that are attending her. However, Kyra’s been having some generalized, unexplained pain in the past few mont...