The Girl with the Sunburst Tattoo

The occupational therapist was taking Kyra’s medical history. Again. It’s a story I’ve told hundreds of times, to hundreds of medical professionals over the past 21 years. In fact, I’ve told this same story more than a dozen times to professionals from this same agency. Still, they think they need to hear it again. As if it would change. If only it would change. Of course, it doesn’t change. It only gets longer. But sometimes there's a new twist, like today, that changes even my perspective. Today, the occupational therapist that is helping us obtain splints to prevent further joint damage to Kyra’s wrists went through the same evaluation routine: Pregnancy-Birth-Baby-Now-Blah-Blah-Blah. I squinched my eyes into memory mode, and rattled off more statistics than the most accomplished sports pros can possibly keep in their heads. Then, the OT surprised me. (Which is very hard to do.) “I’ve never seen anything like ...