Too Much Time on Our Hands

Oh! My! Goodness! Real food for g-tubes in a ready-to-eat package? My mind started reeling as soon as my daughter Celia, a nurse who works full-time at a traumatic brain injury rehabilitation facility, and part-time at a pediatric health care agency, told me the news. Since I’m more than a little skeptical about health information that sounds too good to be true, it took me a few weeks to research these “Real Food Blends” people. Just what were they up to? What was their angle? What is in it for them? What, exactly, is in these g-tube meal pouches? I don’t trust my Kyra’s health to just anyone. Finally, after determining that these packaged g-tube meals were indeed (almost) as nutritious as the meals I‘ve been cooking and blending and straining for Kyra for over 15 years, I decided to try them. Real Food Blends currently has 5 meal varieties available, so we ordered a box of each, and gave it a try. When the meals arrived, I zipped off the top of a pouch, mixed in a couple ou...